Cast.ApplicationConnectionResult |
When a connection to a receiver application has been established, this object contains
information about that application, including its ApplicationMetadata and current
Cast.CastApi | The main entry point for interacting with a Google Cast device. |
Cast.MessageReceivedCallback |
The interface to process received messages from a CastDevice .
RemoteMediaPlayer.MediaChannelResult | Result of a media command. |
RemoteMediaPlayer.OnMetadataUpdatedListener | The listener interface for tracking metadata changes. |
RemoteMediaPlayer.OnStatusUpdatedListener | The listener interface for tracking player status changes. |
ApplicationMetadata | Cast application metadata. |
Cast | Main entry point for the Cast APIs. |
Cast.CastOptions |
API configuration parameters for Cast .
Cast.CastOptions.Builder |
A builder to create an instance of Cast.CastOptions to set
API configuration parameters for Cast .
Cast.Listener |
The list of Cast callbacks.
CastDevice | An object representing a Cast receiver device. |
CastMediaControlIntent | Intent constants for use with the Cast MediaRouteProvider. |
CastStatusCodes | Status codes for the Cast APIs. |
LaunchOptions | An object that holds options that affect how a receiver application is launched. |
LaunchOptions.Builder |
A builder for LaunchOptions objects.
MediaInfo | A class that aggregates information about a media item. |
MediaInfo.Builder |
A builder for MediaInfo objects.
MediaMetadata | Container class for media metadata. |
MediaStatus | A class that holds status information about some media. |
MediaTrack | A class that represents a media track, such as a language track or closed caption text track in a video. |
MediaTrack.Builder |
A builder for MediaTrack objects.
RemoteMediaPlayer | Class for controlling a media player application running on a receiver. |
TextTrackStyle | A class that specifies how a text track's text will be displayed on-screen. |