Netty 3.10.5.Final(build 2016/02/27)
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javaVersion() - 类 中的静态方法org.jboss.netty.util.internal.DetectionUtil
JBossLoggerFactory - org.jboss.netty.logging中的类
Logger factory which creates a JBoss Logging logger.
JBossLoggerFactory() - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.logging.JBossLoggerFactory
JdkLoggerFactory - org.jboss.netty.logging中的类
Logger factory which creates a java.util.logging logger.
JdkLoggerFactory() - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.logging.JdkLoggerFactory
JdkSslClientContext - org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl中的类
A client-side SslContext which uses JDK's SSL/TLS implementation.
JdkSslClientContext() - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslClientContext
Creates a new instance.
JdkSslClientContext(File) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslClientContext
Creates a new instance.
JdkSslClientContext(TrustManagerFactory) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslClientContext
Creates a new instance.
JdkSslClientContext(File, TrustManagerFactory) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslClientContext
Creates a new instance.
JdkSslClientContext(SslBufferPool, File, TrustManagerFactory, Iterable<String>, Iterable<String>, long, long) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslClientContext
Creates a new instance.
JdkSslContext - org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl中的类
An SslContext which uses JDK's SSL/TLS implementation.
JdkSslServerContext - org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl中的类
A server-side SslContext which uses JDK's SSL/TLS implementation.
JdkSslServerContext(File, File) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslServerContext
Creates a new instance.
JdkSslServerContext(File, File, String) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslServerContext
Creates a new instance.
JdkSslServerContext(SslBufferPool, File, File, String, Iterable<String>, Iterable<String>, long, long) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslServerContext
Creates a new instance.
JdkZlibEncoder - org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression中的类
Compresses a ChannelBuffer using the deflate algorithm.
JdkZlibEncoder() - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression.JdkZlibEncoder
Creates a new zlib encoder with the default compression level (6) and the default wrapper (ZlibWrapper.ZLIB).
JdkZlibEncoder(int) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression.JdkZlibEncoder
Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified compressionLevel and the default wrapper (ZlibWrapper.ZLIB).
JdkZlibEncoder(ZlibWrapper) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression.JdkZlibEncoder
Creates a new zlib encoder with the default compression level (6) and the specified wrapper.
JdkZlibEncoder(ZlibWrapper, int) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression.JdkZlibEncoder
Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified compressionLevel and the specified wrapper.
JdkZlibEncoder(byte[]) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression.JdkZlibEncoder
Creates a new zlib encoder with the default compression level (6) and the specified preset dictionary.
JdkZlibEncoder(int, byte[]) - 类 的构造器org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression.JdkZlibEncoder
Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified compressionLevel and the specified preset dictionary.
joinGroup(InetAddress) - 接口 中的方法
Joins a multicast group.
joinGroup(InetSocketAddress, NetworkInterface) - 接口 中的方法
Joins the specified multicast group at the specified interface.
joinGroup(InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
joinGroup(InetSocketAddress, NetworkInterface) - 类 中的方法
joinGroup(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
Joins the specified multicast group at the specified interface using the specified source.
JZlib - org.jboss.netty.util.internal.jzlib中的类
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Netty 3.10.5.Final(build 2016/02/27)

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