Netty 3.10.5.Final(build 2016/02/27)

程序包 org.jboss.netty.example.http.websocketx.autobahn

This package is intended for use with testing against the Python AutoBahn test suite.

请参阅: 说明


This package is intended for use with testing against the Python AutoBahn test suite. Autobahn installation documentation can be found here.

How to run the tests on Ubuntu.

01. Install python (if not already installed).

02. Install Python Setup Tools if not already installed. sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

03. Add ppa:twisted-dev/ppa to your system's Software Sources

04. Install Twisted: sudo apt-get install python-twisted

05. Install AutoBahn: sudo easy_install autobahntestsuite. Test using wstest --help.

06. Create a directory for test configuration and results: mkdir autobahn cd autobahn.

07. Create fuzzing_clinet_spec.json in the above directory { "options": {"failByDrop": false}, "outdir": "./reports/servers", "servers": [ {"agent": "Netty", "url": "ws://localhost:9000", "options": {"version": 18}} ], "cases": ["*"], "exclude-cases": [], "exclude-agent-cases": {} }

08. Run the AutobahnServer located in this package. If you are in Eclipse IDE, right click on and select Run As > Java Application.

09. Run the Autobahn test wstest -m fuzzingclient -s fuzzingclient.json.

10. See the results in ./reports/servers/index.html

Netty 3.10.5.Final(build 2016/02/27)

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