Netty 4.0.56.Final(2018/10/07)
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backoff() - 类 中的方法
backoff(int, long, TimeUnit) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionHandlers
Tries to backoff when the task can not be added due restrictions for an configured amount of time.
BAD_GATEWAY - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus
502 Bad Gateway
BAD_GATEWAY - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.rtsp.RtspResponseStatuses
502 Bad Gateway
BAD_REQUEST - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus
400 Bad Request
BAD_REQUEST - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.rtsp.RtspResponseStatuses
400 Bad Request
BANDWIDTH - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.rtsp.RtspHeaders.Names
Base64 - io.netty.handler.codec.base64中的类
Utility class for ByteBuf that encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
BASE64 - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Values
Base64Decoder - io.netty.handler.codec.base64中的类
Decodes a Base64-encoded ByteBuf or US-ASCII String into a ByteBuf.
Base64Decoder() - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.base64.Base64Decoder
Base64Decoder(Base64Dialect) - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.base64.Base64Decoder
Base64Dialect - io.netty.handler.codec.base64中的枚举
Enumeration of supported Base64 dialects.
Base64Encoder - io.netty.handler.codec.base64中的类
Encodes a ByteBuf into a Base64-encoded ByteBuf.
Base64Encoder() - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.base64.Base64Encoder
Base64Encoder(boolean) - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.base64.Base64Encoder
Base64Encoder(boolean, Base64Dialect) - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.base64.Base64Encoder
baseDirectory - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.http.multipart.DiskAttribute
baseDirectory - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.http.multipart.DiskFileUpload
BAUD_RATE - 类 中的静态变量
beginEncode(HttpResponse, String) - 类 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpContentCompressor
beginEncode(HttpResponse, String) - 类 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpContentEncoder
Prepare to encode the HTTP message content.
beginHandshake() - 类 中的方法io.netty.handler.ssl.ReferenceCountedOpenSslEngine
beginRead() - 类 中的方法
beginRead() - 接口 中的方法
Schedules a read operation that fills the inbound buffer of the first ChannelInboundHandler in the ChannelPipeline.
BIG_ENDIAN - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.buffer.Unpooled
Big endian byte order.
BIG_ENDIAN_NATIVE_ORDER - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent
BigIntegerDecoder - io.netty.example.factorial中的类
Decodes the binary representation of a BigInteger prepended with a magic number ('F' or 0x46) and a 32-bit integer length prefix into a BigInteger instance.
BigIntegerDecoder() - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.factorial.BigIntegerDecoder
BINARY - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Values
BinaryWebSocketFrame - io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx中的类
Web Socket frame containing binary data
BinaryWebSocketFrame() - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.BinaryWebSocketFrame
Creates a new empty binary frame.
BinaryWebSocketFrame(ByteBuf) - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.BinaryWebSocketFrame
Creates a new binary frame with the specified binary data.
BinaryWebSocketFrame(boolean, int, ByteBuf) - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.BinaryWebSocketFrame
Creates a new binary frame with the specified binary data and the final fragment flag.
bind() - 类 中的方法io.netty.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap
Create a new Channel and bind it.
bind(int) - 类 中的方法io.netty.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap
Create a new Channel and bind it.
bind(String, int) - 类 中的方法io.netty.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap
Create a new Channel and bind it.
bind(InetAddress, int) - 类 中的方法io.netty.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap
Create a new Channel and bind it.
bind(SocketAddress) - 类 中的方法io.netty.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap
Create a new Channel and bind it.
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bind(SocketAddress) - 类 中的方法
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bind(SocketAddress) - 接口 中的方法
Request to bind to the given SocketAddress and notify the ChannelFuture once the operation completes, either because the operation was successful or because of an error.
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Request to bind to the given SocketAddress and notify the ChannelFuture once the operation completes, either because the operation was successful or because of an error.
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Bind the SocketAddress to the Channel of the ChannelPromise and notify it once its done.
bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bind(SocketAddress) - 接口 中的方法
Request to bind to the given SocketAddress and notify the ChannelFuture once the operation completes, either because the operation was successful or because of an error.
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Request to bind to the given SocketAddress and notify the ChannelFuture once the operation completes, either because the operation was successful or because of an error.
bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Called once a bind operation is made.
bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bind(SocketAddress) - 接口 中的方法
Request to bind to the given SocketAddress and notify the ChannelFuture once the operation completes, either because the operation was successful or because of an error.
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Request to bind to the given SocketAddress and notify the ChannelFuture once the operation completes, either because the operation was successful or because of an error.
bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bind(SocketAddress) - 类 中的方法
bind(SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bind(SocketAddress) - 类 中的方法
bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.spdy.SpdyFrameCodec
bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法io.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler
bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler
bind(Socket, SocketAddress) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.internal.SocketUtils
bind(SocketChannel, SocketAddress) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.internal.SocketUtils
bind(DatagramChannel, SocketAddress) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.internal.SocketUtils
bindAddress(InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
bindAddress(InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bindAddress(InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
bindAddress(InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bindAddress(InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
bindAddress(InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bindAddress(InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
bindAddress(InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
bindAddress(InetAddress) - 接口 中的方法
Bind a address to the already bound channel to enable multi-homing.
bindAddress(InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Bind a address to the already bound channel to enable multi-homing.
bindAddress(InetAddress) - 接口 中的方法
Bind a address to the already bound channel to enable multi-homing.
bindAddress(InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Bind a address to the already bound channel to enable multi-homing.
bioClearByteBuffer(long) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL
After you are done buffering data from SSL.bioSetByteBuffer(long, long, int, boolean), this will ensure the internal SSL write buffers are ready to capture data which may unexpectedly happen (e.g. handshake, renegotiation, etc..).
bioFlushByteBuffer(long) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL
Flush any pending bytes in the internal SSL write buffer.
bioLengthByteBuffer(long) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL
Get the remaining length of the ByteBuffer set by SSL.bioSetByteBuffer(long, long, int, boolean).
bioLengthNonApplication(long) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL
Get the amount of data pending in buffer used for non-application writes.
bioNewByteBuffer(long, int) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL
Initialize the BIO for the SSL instance.
bioSetByteBuffer(long, long, int, boolean) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL
Set the memory location which that OpenSSL's internal BIO will use to write encrypted data to, or read encrypted data from.
bioWrite(long, long, int) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL
bitMode() - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent
Returns the bit mode of the current VM (usually 32 or 64.)
block(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
block(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
block(InetAddress, InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
block(InetAddress, InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
block(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress) - 接口 中的方法
Block the given sourceToBlock address for the given multicastAddress on the given networkInterface and notifies the ChannelFuture once the operation completes.
block(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Block the given sourceToBlock address for the given multicastAddress on the given networkInterface and notifies the ChannelFuture once the operation completes.
block(InetAddress, InetAddress) - 接口 中的方法
Block the given sourceToBlock address for the given multicastAddress and notifies the ChannelFuture once the operation completes.
block(InetAddress, InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 接口 中的方法
Block the given sourceToBlock address for the given multicastAddress and notifies the ChannelFuture once the operation completes.
block(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
Block the given sourceToBlock address for the given multicastAddress on the given networkInterface
block(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
Block the given sourceToBlock address for the given multicastAddress on the given networkInterface
block(InetAddress, InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
Block the given sourceToBlock address for the given multicastAddress
block(InetAddress, InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
Block the given sourceToBlock address for the given multicastAddress
block(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
block(InetAddress, NetworkInterface, InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
block(InetAddress, InetAddress) - 类 中的方法
block(InetAddress, InetAddress, ChannelPromise) - 类 中的方法
BlockingOperationException - io.netty.util.concurrent中的异常错误
An IllegalStateException which is raised when a user performed a blocking operation when the user is in an event loop thread.
BlockingOperationException() - 异常错误 的构造器io.netty.util.concurrent.BlockingOperationException
BlockingOperationException(String) - 异常错误 的构造器io.netty.util.concurrent.BlockingOperationException
BlockingOperationException(Throwable) - 异常错误 的构造器io.netty.util.concurrent.BlockingOperationException
BlockingOperationException(String, Throwable) - 异常错误 的构造器io.netty.util.concurrent.BlockingOperationException
BLOCKSIZE - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.rtsp.RtspHeaders.Names
Bootstrap - io.netty.bootstrap中的类
A Bootstrap that makes it easy to bootstrap a Channel to use for clients.
Bootstrap() - 类 的构造器io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap
bootstrap() - 类 中的方法
Returns the Bootstrap this pool will use to open new connections.
BOUNDARY - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Values
buffer() - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBufAllocator
buffer(int) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBufAllocator
buffer(int, int) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBufAllocator
buffer() - 接口 中的方法io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator
Allocate a ByteBuf.
buffer(int) - 接口 中的方法io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator
Allocate a ByteBuf with the given initial capacity.
buffer(int, int) - 接口 中的方法io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator
Allocate a ByteBuf with the given initial capacity and the given maximal capacity.
buffer() - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream
Returns the buffer where this stream is writing data.
buffer() - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.buffer.Unpooled
Creates a new big-endian Java heap buffer with reasonably small initial capacity, which expands its capacity boundlessly on demand.
buffer(int) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.buffer.Unpooled
Creates a new big-endian Java heap buffer with the specified capacity, which expands its capacity boundlessly on demand.
buffer(int, int) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.buffer.Unpooled
Creates a new big-endian Java heap buffer with the specified initialCapacity, that may grow up to maxCapacity The new buffer's readerIndex and writerIndex are 0.
Buffer - io.netty.internal.tcnative中的类
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.ocsp.OcspRequestBuilder
ATTENTION: The returned OCSPReq is not re-usable/cacheable!
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.worldclock.WorldClockProtocol.LocalTime.Builder
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.worldclock.WorldClockProtocol.LocalTimes.Builder
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.worldclock.WorldClockProtocol.Location.Builder
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.worldclock.WorldClockProtocol.Locations.Builder
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.http.cors.CorsConfig.Builder
Builds a CorsConfig with settings specified by previous method calls.
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContextBuilder
Create new SslContext instance with configured settings.
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.util.DomainMappingBuilder
Creates a new instance of immutable DomainNameMapping Attempts to add new mappings to the result object will cause UnsupportedOperationException to be thrown
build() - 类 中的方法io.netty.util.DomainNameMappingBuilder
Creates a new instance of immutable DomainNameMapping Attempts to add new mappings to the result object will cause UnsupportedOperationException to be thrown
buildKeyManagerFactory(File, File, String, KeyManagerFactory) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslContext
will be removed.
buildKeyManagerFactory(File, String, File, String, KeyManagerFactory) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.handler.ssl.JdkSslContext
will be removed.
buildPartial() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.worldclock.WorldClockProtocol.LocalTime.Builder
buildPartial() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.worldclock.WorldClockProtocol.LocalTimes.Builder
buildPartial() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.worldclock.WorldClockProtocol.Location.Builder
buildPartial() - 类 中的方法io.netty.example.worldclock.WorldClockProtocol.Locations.Builder
buildTimeMillis() - 类 中的方法io.netty.util.Version
buildTrustManagerFactory(File, TrustManagerFactory) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext
BYTE_ACCEPTOR - 类 中的静态变量
ChannelFactory for UDT Byte Acceptor.
ChannelFactory for UDT Byte Connector.
BYTE_PROVIDER - 类 中的静态变量
SelectorProvider for UDT Byte channels.
ChannelFactory for UDT Byte Rendezvous.
ByteArrayDecoder - io.netty.handler.codec.bytes中的类
Decodes a received ByteBuf into an array of bytes.
ByteArrayDecoder() - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.bytes.ByteArrayDecoder
ByteArrayEncoder - io.netty.handler.codec.bytes中的类
Encodes the requested array of bytes into a ByteBuf.
ByteArrayEncoder() - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.bytes.ByteArrayEncoder
ByteBuf - io.netty.buffer中的类
A random and sequential accessible sequence of zero or more bytes (octets).
ByteBuf() - 类 的构造器io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
ByteBufAllocator - io.netty.buffer中的接口
Implementations are responsible to allocate buffers.
ByteBufAllocatorMetric - io.netty.buffer中的接口
ByteBufAllocatorMetricProvider - io.netty.buffer中的接口
ByteBufHolder - io.netty.buffer中的接口
A packet which is send or receive.
ByteBufInputStream - io.netty.buffer中的类
An InputStream which reads data from a ByteBuf.
ByteBufInputStream(ByteBuf) - 类 的构造器io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream
Creates a new stream which reads data from the specified buffer starting at the current readerIndex and ending at the current writerIndex.
ByteBufInputStream(ByteBuf, int) - 类 的构造器io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream
Creates a new stream which reads data from the specified buffer starting at the current readerIndex and ending at readerIndex + length.
ByteBufInputStream(ByteBuf, boolean) - 类 的构造器io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream
Creates a new stream which reads data from the specified buffer starting at the current readerIndex and ending at the current writerIndex.
ByteBufInputStream(ByteBuf, int, boolean) - 类 的构造器io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream
Creates a new stream which reads data from the specified buffer starting at the current readerIndex and ending at readerIndex + length.
ByteBufOutputStream - io.netty.buffer中的类
An OutputStream which writes data to a ByteBuf.
ByteBufOutputStream(ByteBuf) - 类 的构造器io.netty.buffer.ByteBufOutputStream
Creates a new stream which writes data to the specified buffer.
ByteBufProcessor - io.netty.buffer中的接口
ByteBufUtil - io.netty.buffer中的类
A collection of utility methods that is related with handling ByteBuf, such as the generation of hex dump and swapping an integer's byte order.
ByteEchoClient - io.netty.example.udt.echo.bytes中的类
UDT Byte Stream Client Sends one message when a connection is open and echoes back any received data to the server.
ByteEchoClient() - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.udt.echo.bytes.ByteEchoClient
ByteEchoClientHandler - io.netty.example.udt.echo.bytes中的类
Handler implementation for the echo client.
ByteEchoClientHandler() - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.udt.echo.bytes.ByteEchoClientHandler
ByteEchoPeerBase - io.netty.example.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes中的类
UDT Byte Stream Peer

Sends one message when a connection is open and echoes back any received data to the server.

ByteEchoPeerBase(int, SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes.ByteEchoPeerBase
ByteEchoPeerHandler - io.netty.example.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes中的类
Handler implementation for the echo client.
ByteEchoPeerHandler(int) - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes.ByteEchoPeerHandler
ByteEchoPeerOne - io.netty.example.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes中的类
UDT Byte Stream Peer

Sends one message when a connection is open and echoes back any received data to the server.

ByteEchoPeerOne(int, SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes.ByteEchoPeerOne
ByteEchoPeerTwo - io.netty.example.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes中的类
UDT Byte Stream Peer

Sends one message when a connection is open and echoes back any received data to the server.

ByteEchoPeerTwo(int, SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes.ByteEchoPeerTwo
ByteEchoServer - io.netty.example.udt.echo.bytes中的类
UDT Byte Stream Server Echoes back any received data from a client.
ByteEchoServer() - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.udt.echo.bytes.ByteEchoServer
ByteEchoServerHandler - io.netty.example.udt.echo.bytes中的类
Handler implementation for the echo server.
ByteEchoServerHandler() - 类 的构造器io.netty.example.udt.echo.bytes.ByteEchoServerHandler
bytes() - 类 中的方法
Returns the total number of bytes that are pending because of pending messages.
BYTES - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Values
BYTES - 类 中的静态变量io.netty.handler.codec.rtsp.RtspHeaders.Values
bytesBefore(byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf
bytesBefore(int, byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf
bytesBefore(int, int, byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf
bytesBefore(byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
Locates the first occurrence of the specified value in this buffer.
bytesBefore(int, byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
Locates the first occurrence of the specified value in this buffer.
bytesBefore(int, int, byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
Locates the first occurrence of the specified value in this buffer.
bytesBefore(byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.EmptyByteBuf
bytesBefore(int, byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.EmptyByteBuf
bytesBefore(int, int, byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.EmptyByteBuf
bytesBefore(byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.SwappedByteBuf
bytesBefore(int, byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.SwappedByteBuf
bytesBefore(int, int, byte) - 类 中的方法io.netty.buffer.SwappedByteBuf
bytesBeforeUnwritable() - 类 中的方法
Get how many bytes can be written until ChannelOutboundBuffer.isWritable() returns false.
bytesBeforeWritable() - 类 中的方法
Get how many bytes must be drained from the underlying buffer until ChannelOutboundBuffer.isWritable() returns true.
byteToHexString(int) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil
Converts the specified byte value into a hexadecimal integer.
byteToHexString(T, int) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil
Converts the specified byte value into a hexadecimal integer and appends it to the specified buffer.
byteToHexStringPadded(int) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil
Converts the specified byte value into a 2-digit hexadecimal integer.
byteToHexStringPadded(T, int) - 类 中的静态方法io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil
Converts the specified byte value into a 2-digit hexadecimal integer and appends it to the specified buffer.
ByteToMessageCodec<I> - io.netty.handler.codec中的类
A Codec for on-the-fly encoding/decoding of bytes to messages and vise-versa.
ByteToMessageCodec() - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageCodec
see ByteToMessageCodec.ByteToMessageCodec(boolean) with true as boolean parameter.
ByteToMessageCodec(Class<? extends I>) - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageCodec
ByteToMessageCodec(boolean) - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageCodec
Create a new instance which will try to detect the types to match out of the type parameter of the class.
ByteToMessageCodec(Class<? extends I>, boolean) - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageCodec
Create a new instance
ByteToMessageDecoder - io.netty.handler.codec中的类
ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter which decodes bytes in a stream-like fashion from one ByteBuf to an other Message type.
ByteToMessageDecoder() - 类 的构造器io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder
ByteToMessageDecoder.Cumulator - io.netty.handler.codec中的接口
Cumulate ByteBufs.
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy.HAProxyCommand
Returns the byte value of this command.
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy.HAProxyProtocolVersion
Returns the byte value of this version.
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy.HAProxyProxiedProtocol.AddressFamily
Returns the byte value of this address family.
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy.HAProxyProxiedProtocol
Returns the byte value of this protocol and address family.
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.haproxy.HAProxyProxiedProtocol.TransportProtocol
Returns the byte value of this transport protocol.
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.socks.SocksAddressType
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.socks.SocksAuthScheme
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.socks.SocksAuthStatus
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.socks.SocksCmdStatus
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.socks.SocksCmdType
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.socks.SocksProtocolVersion
byteValue() - 枚举 中的方法io.netty.handler.codec.socks.SocksSubnegotiationVersion
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
Netty 4.0.56.Final(2018/10/07)

Copyright © 2018 即时通讯网( - 即时通讯开发者社区. All rights reserved.