Netty 4.1.109.Final(2024/04/15)

程序包 io.netty.example.spdy.server

This package contains an example SPDY HTTP web server.

请参阅: 说明


This package contains an example SPDY HTTP web server.

This package relies on the Jetty project's implementation of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) extension for Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) for OpenJDK 7 is required. NPN allows the application layer to negotiate which protocol, SPDY or HTTP, to use.

To start, run SpdyServer with the JVM parameter: java -Xbootclasspath/p:<path_to_npn_boot_jar> .... The "path_to_npn_boot_jar" is the path on the file system for the NPN Boot Jar file which can be downloaded from Maven at coordinates org.mortbay.jetty.npn:npn-boot. Different versions applies to different OpenJDK versions. See Jetty docs for more information.

You may also use the run-example.sh script to start the server from the command line:

     ./run-example spdy-server

Once started, you can test the server with your SPDY enabled web browser by navigating to https://localhost:8443/

Netty 4.1.109.Final(2024/04/15)

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