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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2016 The Netty Project
3    *
4    * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
5    * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
6    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
7    *
8    *   https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12   * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13   * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14   * under the License.
15   */
16  package io.netty.channel.kqueue;
18  import io.netty.channel.DefaultFileRegion;
19  import io.netty.channel.unix.FileDescriptor;
20  import io.netty.channel.unix.PeerCredentials;
21  import io.netty.channel.unix.Unix;
22  import io.netty.util.internal.ClassInitializerUtil;
23  import io.netty.util.internal.NativeLibraryLoader;
24  import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
25  import io.netty.util.internal.ThrowableUtil;
26  import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
27  import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;
29  import java.io.IOException;
30  import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
32  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.connectDataIdempotent;
33  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.connectResumeOnReadWrite;
34  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evAdd;
35  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evClear;
36  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evDelete;
37  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evDisable;
38  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evEOF;
39  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evEnable;
40  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evError;
41  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evfiltRead;
42  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evfiltSock;
43  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evfiltUser;
44  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.evfiltWrite;
45  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.fastOpenClient;
46  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.fastOpenServer;
47  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.noteConnReset;
48  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.noteDisconnected;
49  import static io.netty.channel.kqueue.KQueueStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.noteReadClosed;
50  import static io.netty.channel.unix.Errors.newIOException;
52  /**
53   * Native helper methods
54   * <p><strong>Internal usage only!</strong>
55   */
56  final class Native {
57      private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(Native.class);
59      static {
60          // Preload all classes that will be used in the OnLoad(...) function of JNI to eliminate the possiblity of a
61          // class-loader deadlock. This is a workaround for https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/11209.
63          // This needs to match all the classes that are loaded via NETTY_JNI_UTIL_LOAD_CLASS or looked up via
65          ClassInitializerUtil.tryLoadClasses(Native.class,
66                  // netty_kqueue_bsdsocket
67                  PeerCredentials.class, DefaultFileRegion.class, FileChannel.class, java.io.FileDescriptor.class
68          );
70          try {
71              // First, try calling a side-effect free JNI method to see if the library was already
72              // loaded by the application.
73              sizeofKEvent();
74          } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ignore) {
75              // The library was not previously loaded, load it now.
76              loadNativeLibrary();
77          }
78          Unix.registerInternal(new Runnable() {
79              @Override
80              public void run() {
81                  registerUnix();
82              }
83          });
84      }
86      private static native int registerUnix();
88      static final short EV_ADD = evAdd();
89      static final short EV_ENABLE = evEnable();
90      static final short EV_DISABLE = evDisable();
91      static final short EV_DELETE = evDelete();
92      static final short EV_CLEAR = evClear();
93      static final short EV_ERROR = evError();
94      static final short EV_EOF = evEOF();
96      static final int NOTE_READCLOSED = noteReadClosed();
97      static final int NOTE_CONNRESET = noteConnReset();
98      static final int NOTE_DISCONNECTED = noteDisconnected();
102     // Commonly used combinations of EV defines
103     static final short EV_ADD_CLEAR_ENABLE = (short) (EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR | EV_ENABLE);
104     static final short EV_DELETE_DISABLE = (short) (EV_DELETE | EV_DISABLE);
106     static final short EVFILT_READ = evfiltRead();
107     static final short EVFILT_WRITE = evfiltWrite();
108     static final short EVFILT_USER = evfiltUser();
109     static final short EVFILT_SOCK = evfiltSock();
111     // Flags for connectx(2)
112     private static final int CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE = connectResumeOnReadWrite();
113     private static final int CONNECT_DATA_IDEMPOTENT = connectDataIdempotent();
115     static final boolean IS_SUPPORTING_TCP_FASTOPEN_CLIENT = isSupportingFastOpenClient();
116     static final boolean IS_SUPPORTING_TCP_FASTOPEN_SERVER = isSupportingFastOpenServer();
118     static FileDescriptor newKQueue() {
119         return new FileDescriptor(kqueueCreate());
120     }
122     static int keventWait(int kqueueFd, KQueueEventArray changeList, KQueueEventArray eventList,
123                           int tvSec, int tvNsec) throws IOException {
124         int ready = keventWait(kqueueFd, changeList.memoryAddress(), changeList.size(),
125                                eventList.memoryAddress(), eventList.capacity(), tvSec, tvNsec);
126         if (ready < 0) {
127             throw newIOException("kevent", ready);
128         }
129         return ready;
130     }
132     private static native int kqueueCreate();
133     private static native int keventWait(int kqueueFd, long changeListAddress, int changeListLength,
134                                          long eventListAddress, int eventListLength, int tvSec, int tvNsec);
135     static native int keventTriggerUserEvent(int kqueueFd, int ident);
136     static native int keventAddUserEvent(int kqueueFd, int ident);
138     // kevent related
139     static native int sizeofKEvent();
140     static native int offsetofKEventIdent();
141     static native int offsetofKEventFlags();
142     static native int offsetofKEventFFlags();
143     static native int offsetofKEventFilter();
144     static native int offsetofKeventData();
146     private static void loadNativeLibrary() {
147         String name = PlatformDependent.normalizedOs();
148         if (!"osx".equals(name) && !name.contains("bsd")) {
149             throw new IllegalStateException("Only supported on OSX/BSD");
150         }
151         String staticLibName = "netty_transport_native_kqueue";
152         String sharedLibName = staticLibName + '_' + PlatformDependent.normalizedArch();
153         ClassLoader cl = PlatformDependent.getClassLoader(Native.class);
154         try {
155             NativeLibraryLoader.load(sharedLibName, cl);
156         } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e1) {
157             try {
158                 NativeLibraryLoader.load(staticLibName, cl);
159                 logger.debug("Failed to load {}", sharedLibName, e1);
160             } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e2) {
161                 ThrowableUtil.addSuppressed(e1, e2);
162                 throw e1;
163             }
164         }
165     }
167     private static boolean isSupportingFastOpenClient() {
168         try {
169             return fastOpenClient() == 1;
170         } catch (Exception e) {
171             logger.debug("Failed to probe fastOpenClient sysctl, assuming client-side TCP FastOpen cannot be used.", e);
172         }
173         return false;
174     }
176     private static boolean isSupportingFastOpenServer() {
177         try {
178             return fastOpenServer() == 1;
179         } catch (Exception e) {
180             logger.debug("Failed to probe fastOpenServer sysctl, assuming server-side TCP FastOpen cannot be used.", e);
181         }
182         return false;
183     }
185     private Native() {
186         // utility
187     }
188 }