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1   /*
2    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5    *
6    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7    *
8    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12   * limitations under the License.
13   */
14  package io.netty.util.internal.shaded.org.jctools.queues;
16  import java.util.Queue;
18  /**
19   * Message passing queues are intended for concurrent method passing. A subset of {@link Queue} methods are provided
20   * with the same semantics, while further functionality which accomodates the concurrent usecase is also on offer.
21   * <p>
22   * Message passing queues provide happens before semantics to messages passed through, namely that writes made
23   * by the producer before offering the message are visible to the consuming thread after the message has been
24   * polled out of the queue.
25   *
26   * @param <T> the event/message type
27   */
28  public interface MessagePassingQueue<T>
29  {
30      int UNBOUNDED_CAPACITY = -1;
32      interface Supplier<T>
33      {
34          /**
35           * This method will return the next value to be written to the queue. As such the queue
36           * implementations are commited to insert the value once the call is made.
37           * <p>
38           * Users should be aware that underlying queue implementations may upfront claim parts of the queue
39           * for batch operations and this will effect the view on the queue from the supplier method. In
40           * particular size and any offer methods may take the view that the full batch has already happened.
41           *
42           * <p><b>WARNING</b>: this method is assumed to never throw. Breaking this assumption can lead to a broken queue.
43           * <p><b>WARNING</b>: this method is assumed to never return {@code null}. Breaking this assumption can lead to a broken queue.
44           *
45           * @return new element, NEVER {@code null}
46           */
47          T get();
48      }
50      interface Consumer<T>
51      {
52          /**
53           * This method will process an element already removed from the queue. This method is expected to
54           * never throw an exception.
55           * <p>
56           * Users should be aware that underlying queue implementations may upfront claim parts of the queue
57           * for batch operations and this will effect the view on the queue from the accept method. In
58           * particular size and any poll/peek methods may take the view that the full batch has already
59           * happened.
60           *
61           * <p><b>WARNING</b>: this method is assumed to never throw. Breaking this assumption can lead to a broken queue.
62           * @param e not {@code null}
63           */
64          void accept(T e);
65      }
67      interface WaitStrategy
68      {
69          /**
70           * This method can implement static or dynamic backoff. Dynamic backoff will rely on the counter for
71           * estimating how long the caller has been idling. The expected usage is:
72           * <p>
73           * <pre>
74           * <code>
75           * int ic = 0;
76           * while(true) {
77           *   if(!isGodotArrived()) {
78           *     ic = w.idle(ic);
79           *     continue;
80           *   }
81           *   ic = 0;
82           *   // party with Godot until he goes again
83           * }
84           * </code>
85           * </pre>
86           *
87           * @param idleCounter idle calls counter, managed by the idle method until reset
88           * @return new counter value to be used on subsequent idle cycle
89           */
90          int idle(int idleCounter);
91      }
93      interface ExitCondition
94      {
96          /**
97           * This method should be implemented such that the flag read or determination cannot be hoisted out of
98           * a loop which notmally means a volatile load, but with JDK9 VarHandles may mean getOpaque.
99           *
100          * @return true as long as we should keep running
101          */
102         boolean keepRunning();
103     }
105     /**
106      * Called from a producer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation and
107      * according to the {@link Queue#offer(Object)} interface.
108      *
109      * @param e not {@code null}, will throw NPE if it is
110      * @return true if element was inserted into the queue, false iff full
111      */
112     boolean offer(T e);
114     /**
115      * Called from the consumer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation and
116      * according to the {@link Queue#poll()} interface.
117      *
118      * @return a message from the queue if one is available, {@code null} iff empty
119      */
120     T poll();
122     /**
123      * Called from the consumer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation and
124      * according to the {@link Queue#peek()} interface.
125      *
126      * @return a message from the queue if one is available, {@code null} iff empty
127      */
128     T peek();
130     /**
131      * This method's accuracy is subject to concurrent modifications happening as the size is estimated and as
132      * such is a best effort rather than absolute value. For some implementations this method may be O(n)
133      * rather than O(1).
134      *
135      * @return number of messages in the queue, between 0 and {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} but less or equals to
136      * capacity (if bounded).
137      */
138     int size();
140     /**
141      * Removes all items from the queue. Called from the consumer thread subject to the restrictions
142      * appropriate to the implementation and according to the {@link Queue#clear()} interface.
143      */
144     void clear();
146     /**
147      * This method's accuracy is subject to concurrent modifications happening as the observation is carried
148      * out.
149      *
150      * @return true if empty, false otherwise
151      */
152     boolean isEmpty();
154     /**
155      * @return the capacity of this queue or {@link MessagePassingQueue#UNBOUNDED_CAPACITY} if not bounded
156      */
157     int capacity();
159     /**
160      * Called from a producer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation. As opposed
161      * to {@link Queue#offer(Object)} this method may return false without the queue being full.
162      *
163      * @param e not {@code null}, will throw NPE if it is
164      * @return true if element was inserted into the queue, false if unable to offer
165      */
166     boolean relaxedOffer(T e);
168     /**
169      * Called from the consumer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation. As
170      * opposed to {@link Queue#poll()} this method may return {@code null} without the queue being empty.
171      *
172      * @return a message from the queue if one is available, {@code null} if unable to poll
173      */
174     T relaxedPoll();
176     /**
177      * Called from the consumer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation. As
178      * opposed to {@link Queue#peek()} this method may return {@code null} without the queue being empty.
179      *
180      * @return a message from the queue if one is available, {@code null} if unable to peek
181      */
182     T relaxedPeek();
184     /**
185      * Remove up to <i>limit</i> elements from the queue and hand to consume. This should be semantically
186      * similar to:
187      * <p>
188      * <pre>{@code
189      *   M m;
190      *   int i = 0;
191      *   for(;i < limit && (m = relaxedPoll()) != null; i++){
192      *     c.accept(m);
193      *   }
194      *   return i;
195      * }</pre>
196      * <p>
197      * There's no strong commitment to the queue being empty at the end of a drain. Called from a consumer
198      * thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation.
199      * <p>
200      * <b>WARNING</b>: Explicit assumptions are made with regards to {@link Consumer#accept} make sure you have read
201      * and understood these before using this method.
202      *
203      * @return the number of polled elements
204      * @throws IllegalArgumentException c is {@code null}
205      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if limit is negative
206      */
207     int drain(Consumer<T> c, int limit);
209     /**
210      * Stuff the queue with up to <i>limit</i> elements from the supplier. Semantically similar to:
211      * <p>
212      * <pre>{@code
213      *   for(int i=0; i < limit && relaxedOffer(s.get()); i++);
214      * }</pre>
215      * <p>
216      * There's no strong commitment to the queue being full at the end of a fill. Called from a producer
217      * thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation.
218      *
219      * <b>WARNING</b>: Explicit assumptions are made with regards to {@link Supplier#get} make sure you have read
220      * and understood these before using this method.
221      *
222      * @return the number of offered elements
223      * @throws IllegalArgumentException s is {@code null}
224      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if limit is negative
225      */
226     int fill(Supplier<T> s, int limit);
228     /**
229      * Remove all available item from the queue and hand to consume. This should be semantically similar to:
230      * <pre>
231      * M m;
232      * while((m = relaxedPoll()) != null){
233      * c.accept(m);
234      * }
235      * </pre>
236      * There's no strong commitment to the queue being empty at the end of a drain. Called from a
237      * consumer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation.
238      * <p>
239      * <b>WARNING</b>: Explicit assumptions are made with regards to {@link Consumer#accept} make sure you have read
240      * and understood these before using this method.
241      *
242      * @return the number of polled elements
243      * @throws IllegalArgumentException c is {@code null}
244      */
245     int drain(Consumer<T> c);
247     /**
248      * Stuff the queue with elements from the supplier. Semantically similar to:
249      * <pre>
250      * while(relaxedOffer(s.get());
251      * </pre>
252      * There's no strong commitment to the queue being full at the end of a fill. Called from a
253      * producer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation.
254      * <p>
255      * Unbounded queues will fill up the queue with a fixed amount rather than fill up to oblivion.
256      *
257      * <b>WARNING</b>: Explicit assumptions are made with regards to {@link Supplier#get} make sure you have read
258      * and understood these before using this method.
259      *
260      * @return the number of offered elements
261      * @throws IllegalArgumentException s is {@code null}
262      */
263     int fill(Supplier<T> s);
265     /**
266      * Remove elements from the queue and hand to consume forever. Semantically similar to:
267      * <p>
268      * <pre>
269      *  int idleCounter = 0;
270      *  while (exit.keepRunning()) {
271      *      E e = relaxedPoll();
272      *      if(e==null){
273      *          idleCounter = wait.idle(idleCounter);
274      *          continue;
275      *      }
276      *      idleCounter = 0;
277      *      c.accept(e);
278      *  }
279      * </pre>
280      * <p>
281      * Called from a consumer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation.
282      * <p>
283      * <b>WARNING</b>: Explicit assumptions are made with regards to {@link Consumer#accept} make sure you have read
284      * and understood these before using this method.
285      *
286      * @throws IllegalArgumentException c OR wait OR exit are {@code null}
287      */
288     void drain(Consumer<T> c, WaitStrategy wait, ExitCondition exit);
290     /**
291      * Stuff the queue with elements from the supplier forever. Semantically similar to:
292      * <p>
293      * <pre>
294      * <code>
295      *  int idleCounter = 0;
296      *  while (exit.keepRunning()) {
297      *      E e = s.get();
298      *      while (!relaxedOffer(e)) {
299      *          idleCounter = wait.idle(idleCounter);
300      *          continue;
301      *      }
302      *      idleCounter = 0;
303      *  }
304      * </code>
305      * </pre>
306      * <p>
307      * Called from a producer thread subject to the restrictions appropriate to the implementation. The main difference
308      * being that implementors MUST assure room in the queue is available BEFORE calling {@link Supplier#get}.
309      *
310      * <b>WARNING</b>: Explicit assumptions are made with regards to {@link Supplier#get} make sure you have read
311      * and understood these before using this method.
312      *
313      * @throws IllegalArgumentException s OR wait OR exit are {@code null}
314      */
315     void fill(Supplier<T> s, WaitStrategy wait, ExitCondition exit);
316 }