Android APIs


FocusHighlight Interface for highlighting the item that has focus. 
OnActionClickedListener Interface for receiving notification when an action is clicked. 
OnChildLaidOutListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a child of this ViewGroup has been laid out. 
OnChildSelectedListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a child of this viewgroup has been selected. 
OnItemClickedListener This interface is deprecated. Uses OnItemViewClickedListener  
OnItemSelectedListener This interface is deprecated. Use OnItemViewSelectedListener  
OnItemViewClickedListener Interface for receiving notification when a item view holder is clicked. 
OnItemViewSelectedListener Interface for receiving notification when a row or item becomes selected. 
SearchBar.SearchBarListener Listener for search query changes  
SpeechRecognitionCallback Callback interface between to request initiation of speech recognition. 


AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter An abstract Presenter for rendering a detailed description of an item. 
Action An action that can be shown on a details page. 
ArrayObjectAdapter An ObjectAdapter implemented with an ArrayList
BaseCardView A card style layout that responds to certain state changes. 
BaseCardView.LayoutParams Per-child layout information associated with BaseCardView. 
ClassPresenterSelector A ClassPresenterSelector selects a Presenter based on the item's Java class. 
ControlButtonPresenterSelector ControlButtonPresenterSelector displays primary and secondary controls for a PlaybackControlsRow
CursorObjectAdapter An ObjectAdapter implemented with a Cursor
DetailsOverviewRow An overview row for a details fragment. 
DetailsOverviewRowPresenter A DetailsOverviewRowPresenter renders a DetailsOverviewRow to display an overview of an item. 
DetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder A ViewHolder for the DetailsOverviewRow. 
FocusHighlightHelper Setup the behavior how to highlight when a item gains focus. 
HeaderItem A header item is an item that describes metadata of Row, such as a category of media items. 
HorizontalGridView A view that shows items in a horizontal scrolling list. 
HorizontalHoverCardSwitcher Helper class that stay bellow a HorizontalGridView and shows a hover card and align the hover card left to left of selected child view. 
ImageCardView A card view with an ImageView as its main region. 
ItemBridgeAdapter Bridge from Presenter to RecyclerView.Adapter. 
ItemBridgeAdapter.AdapterListener Interface for listening to view holder operations. 
ItemBridgeAdapter.Wrapper Interface for wrapping a view created by presenter into another view. 
ListRow A row composed of a optional HeaderItem, and an ObjectAdapter describing children. 
ListRowHoverCardView ListRowHoverCardView contains a title and description. 
ListRowPresenter ListRowPresenter renders ListRow using a HorizontalGridView hosted in a ListRowView
ListRowView ListRowView contains a horizontal grid view. 
ObjectAdapter Adapter for leanback activities. 
ObjectAdapter.DataObserver A DataObserver can be notified when an ObjectAdapter's underlying data changes. 
PlaybackControlsRow A row of playback controls to be displayed by a PlaybackControlsRowPresenter
PlaybackControlsRow.ClosedCaptioningAction An action for displaying a CC (Closed Captioning) icon. 
PlaybackControlsRow.FastForwardAction An action displaying an icon for fast forward. 
PlaybackControlsRow.HighQualityAction An action for displaying a HQ (High Quality) icon. 
PlaybackControlsRow.MoreActions An action displaying an icon for "more actions". 
PlaybackControlsRow.MultiAction Base class for an action comprised of a series of icons. 
PlaybackControlsRow.PlayPauseAction An action displaying icons for play and pause. 
PlaybackControlsRow.RepeatAction An action for displaying three repeat states: none, one, or all. 
PlaybackControlsRow.RewindAction An action displaying an icon for rewind. 
PlaybackControlsRow.ShuffleAction An action for displaying a shuffle icon. 
PlaybackControlsRow.SkipNextAction An action displaying an icon for skip next. 
PlaybackControlsRow.SkipPreviousAction An action displaying an icon for skip previous. 
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsAction A base class for displaying a thumbs action. 
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsDownAction An action displaying an icon for thumbs down. 
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsUpAction An action displaying an icon for thumbs up. 
PlaybackControlsRowPresenter A PlaybackControlsRowPresenter renders a PlaybackControlsRow to display a series of playback control buttons. 
PlaybackControlsRowPresenter.ViewHolder A ViewHolder for the PlaybackControlsRow. 
Presenter A Presenter is used to generate Views and bind Objects to them on demand. 
Presenter.ViewHolder ViewHolder can be subclassed and used to cache any view accessors needed to improve binding performance (for example, results of findViewById) without needing to subclass a View. 
PresenterSelector A PresenterSelector is used to obtain a Presenter for a given Object. 
PresenterSwitcher An abstract helper class that switches view in parent view using PresenterSelector subclass should define insertView(View) of how to add the view in parent and optionally override onViewSelected(View)
Row A row in a RowsFragment. 
RowHeaderPresenter RowHeaderPresenter provides a default implementation for header using TextView. 
RowHeaderView RowHeaderView is a header text view. 
RowPresenter An abstract Presenter that renders a Row
RowPresenter.ViewHolder A view holder for a Row

SearchBar is a search widget. 

SearchEditText EditText widget that monitors keyboard changes. 

A widget that draws a search affordance, represented by a round background and an icon. 

SearchOrbView.Colors A set of colors used to display the search orb. 
ShadowOverlayContainer ShadowOverlayContainer Provides a SDK version independent wrapper container to take care of shadow and/or color overlay. 
SinglePresenterSelector A PresenterSelector that always returns the same Presenter
SparseArrayObjectAdapter An ObjectAdapter implemented with a SparseArray
VerticalGridPresenter A presenter that renders objects in a vertical grid. 
VerticalGridView A view that shows items in a vertically scrolling list.