Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
implements BaseColumns
   ↳ android.provider.Telephony.MmsSms.PendingMessages

Class Overview

Contains pending messages info.


String DUE_TIME The time to do next retry.
String ERROR_CODE The error code of sending/retrieving process.
String ERROR_TYPE The type of the error code.
String LAST_TRY The time we last tried to send or download the message.
String MSG_ID The ID of the message to be sent or downloaded.
String MSG_TYPE The type of the message to be sent or downloaded.
String PROTO_TYPE The type of transport protocol (MMS or SMS).
String RETRY_INDEX How many times we tried to send or download the message.
String SUBSCRIPTION_ID The subscription to which the message belongs to.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String DUE_TIME

Added in API level 19

The time to do next retry.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Constant Value: "due_time"

public static final String ERROR_CODE

Added in API level 19

The error code of sending/retrieving process.


Constant Value: "err_code"

public static final String ERROR_TYPE

Added in API level 19

The type of the error code.


Constant Value: "err_type"

public static final String LAST_TRY

Added in API level 19

The time we last tried to send or download the message.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Constant Value: "last_try"

public static final String MSG_ID

Added in API level 19

The ID of the message to be sent or downloaded.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Constant Value: "msg_id"

public static final String MSG_TYPE

Added in API level 19

The type of the message to be sent or downloaded. This field is only valid for MM. For SM, its value is always set to 0.


Constant Value: "msg_type"

public static final String PROTO_TYPE

Added in API level 19

The type of transport protocol (MMS or SMS).


Constant Value: "proto_type"

public static final String RETRY_INDEX

Added in API level 19

How many times we tried to send or download the message.


Constant Value: "retry_index"

public static final String SUBSCRIPTION_ID

The subscription to which the message belongs to. Its value will be < 0 if the sub id cannot be determined.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Constant Value: "pending_sub_id"


public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

Added in API level 19