Android APIs
public final class


extends CameraMetadata<Key<?>>
   ↳ android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata<android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics.Key<?>>
     ↳ android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics

Class Overview

The properties describing a CameraDevice.

These properties are fixed for a given CameraDevice, and can be queried through the CameraManager interface with getCameraCharacteristics(String).

CameraCharacteristics objects are immutable.


Nested Classes
class CameraCharacteristics.Key<T> A Key is used to do camera characteristics field lookups with get(CameraCharacteristics.Key)
Inherited Constants
From class android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata

List of aberration correction modes for android.colorCorrection.aberrationMode that are supported by this camera device.


List of auto-exposure antibanding modes for android.control.aeAntibandingMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_MODES

List of auto-exposure modes for android.control.aeMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Range[]<Integer>> CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_TARGET_FPS_RANGES

List of frame rate ranges for android.control.aeTargetFpsRange supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Range<Integer>> CONTROL_AE_COMPENSATION_RANGE

Maximum and minimum exposure compensation values for android.control.aeExposureCompensation, in counts of android.control.aeCompensationStep, that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Rational> CONTROL_AE_COMPENSATION_STEP

Smallest step by which the exposure compensation can be changed.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AF_AVAILABLE_MODES

List of auto-focus (AF) modes for android.control.afMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AVAILABLE_EFFECTS

List of color effects for android.control.effectMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AVAILABLE_SCENE_MODES

List of scene modes for android.control.sceneMode that are supported by this camera device.


List of video stabilization modes for android.control.videoStabilizationMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AWB_AVAILABLE_MODES

List of auto-white-balance modes for android.control.awbMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE

The maximum number of metering regions that can be used by the auto-exposure (AE) routine.

public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF

The maximum number of metering regions that can be used by the auto-focus (AF) routine.

public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AWB

The maximum number of metering regions that can be used by the auto-white balance (AWB) routine.

public static final Key<int[]> EDGE_AVAILABLE_EDGE_MODES

List of edge enhancement modes for android.edge.mode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Boolean> FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE

Whether this camera device has a flash unit.

public static final Key<int[]> HOT_PIXEL_AVAILABLE_HOT_PIXEL_MODES

List of hot pixel correction modes for android.hotPixel.mode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Integer> INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL

Generally classifies the overall set of the camera device functionality.

public static final Key<Size[]> JPEG_AVAILABLE_THUMBNAIL_SIZES

List of JPEG thumbnail sizes for android.jpeg.thumbnailSize supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Integer> LENS_FACING

Direction the camera faces relative to device screen.

public static final Key<float[]> LENS_INFO_AVAILABLE_APERTURES

List of aperture size values for android.lens.aperture that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<float[]> LENS_INFO_AVAILABLE_FILTER_DENSITIES

List of neutral density filter values for android.lens.filterDensity that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<float[]> LENS_INFO_AVAILABLE_FOCAL_LENGTHS

List of focal lengths for android.lens.focalLength that are supported by this camera device.


List of optical image stabilization (OIS) modes for android.lens.opticalStabilizationMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Integer> LENS_INFO_FOCUS_DISTANCE_CALIBRATION

The lens focus distance calibration quality.

public static final Key<Float> LENS_INFO_HYPERFOCAL_DISTANCE

Hyperfocal distance for this lens.

public static final Key<Float> LENS_INFO_MINIMUM_FOCUS_DISTANCE

Shortest distance from frontmost surface of the lens that can be brought into sharp focus.


List of noise reduction modes for android.noiseReduction.mode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<int[]> REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES

List of capabilities that this camera device advertises as fully supporting.

public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_PROC

The maximum numbers of different types of output streams that can be configured and used simultaneously by a camera device for any processed (but not-stalling) formats.

public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_PROC_STALLING

The maximum numbers of different types of output streams that can be configured and used simultaneously by a camera device for any processed (and stalling) formats.

public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_RAW

The maximum numbers of different types of output streams that can be configured and used simultaneously by a camera device for any RAW formats.

public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_PARTIAL_RESULT_COUNT

Defines how many sub-components a result will be composed of.

public static final Key<Byte> REQUEST_PIPELINE_MAX_DEPTH

Specifies the number of maximum pipeline stages a frame has to go through from when it's exposed to when it's available to the framework.

public static final Key<Float> SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM

The maximum ratio between both active area width and crop region width, and active area height and crop region height, for android.scaler.cropRegion.

public static final Key<Integer> SCALER_CROPPING_TYPE

The crop type that this camera device supports.

public static final Key<StreamConfigurationMap> SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP

The available stream configurations that this camera device supports; also includes the minimum frame durations and the stall durations for each format/size combination.

public static final Key<int[]> SENSOR_AVAILABLE_TEST_PATTERN_MODES

List of sensor test pattern modes for android.sensor.testPatternMode supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<BlackLevelPattern> SENSOR_BLACK_LEVEL_PATTERN

A fixed black level offset for each of the color filter arrangement (CFA) mosaic channels.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_CALIBRATION_TRANSFORM1

A per-device calibration transform matrix that maps from the reference sensor colorspace to the actual device sensor colorspace.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_CALIBRATION_TRANSFORM2

A per-device calibration transform matrix that maps from the reference sensor colorspace to the actual device sensor colorspace (this is the colorspace of the raw buffer data).

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_COLOR_TRANSFORM1

A matrix that transforms color values from CIE XYZ color space to reference sensor color space.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_COLOR_TRANSFORM2

A matrix that transforms color values from CIE XYZ color space to reference sensor color space.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_FORWARD_MATRIX1

A matrix that transforms white balanced camera colors from the reference sensor colorspace to the CIE XYZ colorspace with a D50 whitepoint.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_FORWARD_MATRIX2

A matrix that transforms white balanced camera colors from the reference sensor colorspace to the CIE XYZ colorspace with a D50 whitepoint.

public static final Key<Rect> SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE

The area of the image sensor which corresponds to active pixels.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_INFO_COLOR_FILTER_ARRANGEMENT

The arrangement of color filters on sensor; represents the colors in the top-left 2x2 section of the sensor, in reading order.

public static final Key<Range<Long>> SENSOR_INFO_EXPOSURE_TIME_RANGE

The range of image exposure times for android.sensor.exposureTime supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Long> SENSOR_INFO_MAX_FRAME_DURATION

The maximum possible frame duration (minimum frame rate) for android.sensor.frameDuration that is supported this camera device.

public static final Key<SizeF> SENSOR_INFO_PHYSICAL_SIZE

The physical dimensions of the full pixel array.

public static final Key<Size> SENSOR_INFO_PIXEL_ARRAY_SIZE

Dimensions of the full pixel array, possibly including black calibration pixels.

public static final Key<Range<Integer>> SENSOR_INFO_SENSITIVITY_RANGE

Range of sensitivities for android.sensor.sensitivity supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_INFO_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE

The time base source for sensor capture start timestamps.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_INFO_WHITE_LEVEL

Maximum raw value output by sensor.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_MAX_ANALOG_SENSITIVITY

Maximum sensitivity that is implemented purely through analog gain.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_ORIENTATION

Clockwise angle through which the output image needs to be rotated to be upright on the device screen in its native orientation.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_REFERENCE_ILLUMINANT1

The standard reference illuminant used as the scene light source when calculating the android.sensor.colorTransform1, android.sensor.calibrationTransform1, and android.sensor.forwardMatrix1 matrices.

public static final Key<Byte> SENSOR_REFERENCE_ILLUMINANT2

The standard reference illuminant used as the scene light source when calculating the android.sensor.colorTransform2, android.sensor.calibrationTransform2, and android.sensor.forwardMatrix2 matrices.


List of face detection modes for android.statistics.faceDetectMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<boolean[]> STATISTICS_INFO_AVAILABLE_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODES

List of hot pixel map output modes for android.statistics.hotPixelMapMode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Integer> STATISTICS_INFO_MAX_FACE_COUNT

The maximum number of simultaneously detectable faces.

public static final Key<Integer> SYNC_MAX_LATENCY

The maximum number of frames that can occur after a request (different than the previous) has been submitted, and before the result's state becomes synchronized (by setting android.sync.frameNumber to a non-negative value).

public static final Key<int[]> TONEMAP_AVAILABLE_TONE_MAP_MODES

List of tonemapping modes for android.tonemap.mode that are supported by this camera device.

public static final Key<Integer> TONEMAP_MAX_CURVE_POINTS

Maximum number of supported points in the tonemap curve that can be used for android.tonemap.curve.

Public Methods
<T> T get(Key<T> key)
Get a camera characteristics field value.
List<Key<?>> getAvailableCaptureRequestKeys()
Returns the list of keys supported by this CameraDevice for querying with a CaptureRequest.
List<Key<?>> getAvailableCaptureResultKeys()
Returns the list of keys supported by this CameraDevice for querying with a CaptureResult.
List<Key<?>> getKeys()
Returns a list of the keys contained in this map.
Inherited Methods
From class android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata
From class java.lang.Object



Added in API level 21

List of aberration correction modes for android.colorCorrection.aberrationMode that are supported by this camera device.

This key lists the valid modes for android.colorCorrection.aberrationMode. If no aberration correction modes are available for a device, this list will solely include OFF mode. All camera devices will support either OFF or FAST mode.

Camera devices that support the MANUAL_POST_PROCESSING capability will always list OFF mode. This includes all FULL level devices.

LEGACY devices will always only support FAST mode.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.colorCorrection.aberrationMode

This key is available on all devices.


Added in API level 21

List of auto-exposure antibanding modes for android.control.aeAntibandingMode that are supported by this camera device.

Not all of the auto-exposure anti-banding modes may be supported by a given camera device. This field lists the valid anti-banding modes that the application may request for this camera device with the android.control.aeAntibandingMode control.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.control.aeAntibandingMode

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of auto-exposure modes for android.control.aeMode that are supported by this camera device.

Not all the auto-exposure modes may be supported by a given camera device, especially if no flash unit is available. This entry lists the valid modes for android.control.aeMode for this camera device.

All camera devices support ON, and all camera devices with flash units support ON_AUTO_FLASH and ON_ALWAYS_FLASH.

FULL mode camera devices always support OFF mode, which enables application control of camera exposure time, sensitivity, and frame duration.

LEGACY mode camera devices never support OFF mode. LIMITED mode devices support OFF if they support the MANUAL_SENSOR capability.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.control.aeMode

This key is available on all devices.

See Also

public static final Key<Range[]<Integer>> CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_TARGET_FPS_RANGES

Added in API level 21

List of frame rate ranges for android.control.aeTargetFpsRange supported by this camera device.

For devices at the LIMITED level or above, this list will include at least (30, 30) for constant-framerate recording.

Units: Frames per second (FPS)

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Range<Integer>> CONTROL_AE_COMPENSATION_RANGE

Added in API level 21

Maximum and minimum exposure compensation values for android.control.aeExposureCompensation, in counts of android.control.aeCompensationStep, that are supported by this camera device.

Range of valid values:

Range [0,0] indicates that exposure compensation is not supported.

For LIMITED and FULL devices, range must follow below requirements if exposure compensation is supported (range != [0, 0]):

Min.exposure compensation * android.control.aeCompensationStep <= -2 EV

Max.exposure compensation * android.control.aeCompensationStep >= 2 EV

LEGACY devices may support a smaller range than this.

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Rational> CONTROL_AE_COMPENSATION_STEP

Added in API level 21

Smallest step by which the exposure compensation can be changed.

This is the unit for android.control.aeExposureCompensation. For example, if this key has a value of 1/2, then a setting of -2 for android.control.aeExposureCompensation means that the target EV offset for the auto-exposure routine is -1 EV.

One unit of EV compensation changes the brightness of the captured image by a factor of two. +1 EV doubles the image brightness, while -1 EV halves the image brightness.

Units: Exposure Value (EV)

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AF_AVAILABLE_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of auto-focus (AF) modes for android.control.afMode that are supported by this camera device.

Not all the auto-focus modes may be supported by a given camera device. This entry lists the valid modes for android.control.afMode for this camera device.

All LIMITED and FULL mode camera devices will support OFF mode, and all camera devices with adjustable focuser units ( > 0) will support AUTO mode.

LEGACY devices will support OFF mode only if they support focusing to infinity (by also setting android.lens.focusDistance to 0.0f).

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.control.afMode

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AVAILABLE_EFFECTS

Added in API level 21

List of color effects for android.control.effectMode that are supported by this camera device.

This list contains the color effect modes that can be applied to images produced by the camera device. Implementations are not expected to be consistent across all devices. If no color effect modes are available for a device, this will only list OFF.

A color effect will only be applied if android.control.mode != OFF. OFF is always included in this list.

This control has no effect on the operation of other control routines such as auto-exposure, white balance, or focus.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.control.effectMode

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AVAILABLE_SCENE_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of scene modes for android.control.sceneMode that are supported by this camera device.

This list contains scene modes that can be set for the camera device. Only scene modes that have been fully implemented for the camera device may be included here. Implementations are not expected to be consistent across all devices.

If no scene modes are supported by the camera device, this will be set to DISABLED. Otherwise DISABLED will not be listed.

FACE_PRIORITY is always listed if face detection is supported ( > 0).

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.control.sceneMode

This key is available on all devices.


Added in API level 21

List of video stabilization modes for android.control.videoStabilizationMode that are supported by this camera device.

OFF will always be listed.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.control.videoStabilizationMode

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> CONTROL_AWB_AVAILABLE_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of auto-white-balance modes for android.control.awbMode that are supported by this camera device.

Not all the auto-white-balance modes may be supported by a given camera device. This entry lists the valid modes for android.control.awbMode for this camera device.

All camera devices will support ON mode.

Camera devices that support the MANUAL_POST_PROCESSING capability will always support OFF mode, which enables application control of white balance, by using android.colorCorrection.transform and android.colorCorrection.gains(android.colorCorrection.mode must be set to TRANSFORM_MATRIX). This includes all FULL mode camera devices.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.control.awbMode

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE

Added in API level 21

The maximum number of metering regions that can be used by the auto-exposure (AE) routine.

This corresponds to the the maximum allowed number of elements in android.control.aeRegions.

Range of valid values:
Value will be >= 0. For FULL-capability devices, this value will be >= 1.

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF

Added in API level 21

The maximum number of metering regions that can be used by the auto-focus (AF) routine.

This corresponds to the the maximum allowed number of elements in android.control.afRegions.

Range of valid values:
Value will be >= 0. For FULL-capability devices, this value will be >= 1.

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AWB

Added in API level 21

The maximum number of metering regions that can be used by the auto-white balance (AWB) routine.

This corresponds to the the maximum allowed number of elements in android.control.awbRegions.

Range of valid values:
Value will be >= 0.

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> EDGE_AVAILABLE_EDGE_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of edge enhancement modes for android.edge.mode that are supported by this camera device.

Full-capability camera devices must always support OFF; all devices will list FAST.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.edge.mode

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<Boolean> FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE

Added in API level 21

Whether this camera device has a flash unit.

Will be false if no flash is available.

If there is no flash unit, none of the flash controls do anything. This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> HOT_PIXEL_AVAILABLE_HOT_PIXEL_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of hot pixel correction modes for android.hotPixel.mode that are supported by this camera device.

FULL mode camera devices will always support FAST.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.hotPixel.mode

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

See Also

public static final Key<Integer> INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL

Added in API level 21

Generally classifies the overall set of the camera device functionality.

Camera devices will come in three flavors: LEGACY, LIMITED and FULL.

A FULL device will support below capabilities:

A LIMITED device may have some or none of the above characteristics. To find out more refer to android.request.availableCapabilities.

Some features are not part of any particular hardware level or capability and must be queried separately. These include:

A LEGACY device does not support per-frame control, manual sensor control, manual post-processing, arbitrary cropping regions, and has relaxed performance constraints.

Each higher level supports everything the lower level supports in this order: FULL > LIMITED > LEGACY.

Possible values:

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Size[]> JPEG_AVAILABLE_THUMBNAIL_SIZES

Added in API level 21

List of JPEG thumbnail sizes for android.jpeg.thumbnailSize supported by this camera device.

This list will include at least one non-zero resolution, plus (0,0) for indicating no thumbnail should be generated.

Below condiditions will be satisfied for this size list:

  • The sizes will be sorted by increasing pixel area (width x height). If several resolutions have the same area, they will be sorted by increasing width.
  • The aspect ratio of the largest thumbnail size will be same as the aspect ratio of largest JPEG output size in android.scaler.availableStreamConfigurations. The largest size is defined as the size that has the largest pixel area in a given size list.
  • Each output JPEG size in android.scaler.availableStreamConfigurations will have at least one corresponding size that has the same aspect ratio in availableThumbnailSizes, and vice versa.
  • All non-(0, 0) sizes will have non-zero widths and heights. This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> LENS_FACING

Added in API level 21

Direction the camera faces relative to device screen.

Possible values:

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<float[]> LENS_INFO_AVAILABLE_APERTURES

Added in API level 21

List of aperture size values for android.lens.aperture that are supported by this camera device.

If the camera device doesn't support a variable lens aperture, this list will contain only one value, which is the fixed aperture size.

If the camera device supports a variable aperture, the aperture values in this list will be sorted in ascending order.

Units: The aperture f-number

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<float[]> LENS_INFO_AVAILABLE_FILTER_DENSITIES

Added in API level 21

List of neutral density filter values for android.lens.filterDensity that are supported by this camera device.

If a neutral density filter is not supported by this camera device, this list will contain only 0. Otherwise, this list will include every filter density supported by the camera device, in ascending order.

Units: Exposure value (EV)

Range of valid values:

Values are >= 0

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<float[]> LENS_INFO_AVAILABLE_FOCAL_LENGTHS

Added in API level 21

List of focal lengths for android.lens.focalLength that are supported by this camera device.

If optical zoom is not supported, this list will only contain a single value corresponding to the fixed focal length of the device. Otherwise, this list will include every focal length supported by the camera device, in ascending order.

Units: Millimeters

Range of valid values:

Values are > 0

This key is available on all devices.


Added in API level 21

List of optical image stabilization (OIS) modes for android.lens.opticalStabilizationMode that are supported by this camera device.

If OIS is not supported by a given camera device, this list will contain only OFF.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.lens.opticalStabilizationMode

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Limited capability - Present on all camera devices that report being at least HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED devices in the key

public static final Key<Integer> LENS_INFO_FOCUS_DISTANCE_CALIBRATION

Added in API level 21

The lens focus distance calibration quality.

The lens focus distance calibration quality determines the reliability of focus related metadata entries, i.e. android.lens.focusDistance, android.lens.focusRange,, and

APPROXIMATE and CALIBRATED devices report the focus metadata in units of diopters (1/meter), so 0.0f represents focusing at infinity, and increasing positive numbers represent focusing closer and closer to the camera device. The focus distance control also uses diopters on these devices.

UNCALIBRATED devices do not use units that are directly comparable to any real physical measurement, but 0.0f still represents farthest focus, and represents the nearest focus the device can achieve.

Possible values:

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Limited capability - Present on all camera devices that report being at least HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED devices in the key

public static final Key<Float> LENS_INFO_HYPERFOCAL_DISTANCE

Added in API level 21

Hyperfocal distance for this lens.

If the lens is not fixed focus, the camera device will report this field when is APPROXIMATE or CALIBRATED.

Units: See for details

Range of valid values:
If lens is fixed focus, >= 0. If lens has focuser unit, the value is within (0.0f,]

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Limited capability - Present on all camera devices that report being at least HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED devices in the key

public static final Key<Float> LENS_INFO_MINIMUM_FOCUS_DISTANCE

Added in API level 21

Shortest distance from frontmost surface of the lens that can be brought into sharp focus.

If the lens is fixed-focus, this will be 0.

Units: See for details

Range of valid values:
>= 0

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Limited capability - Present on all camera devices that report being at least HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED devices in the key


Added in API level 21

List of noise reduction modes for android.noiseReduction.mode that are supported by this camera device.

Full-capability camera devices will always support OFF and FAST.

Legacy-capability camera devices will only support FAST mode.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.noiseReduction.mode

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Limited capability - Present on all camera devices that report being at least HARDWARE_LEVEL_LIMITED devices in the key

public static final Key<int[]> REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES

Added in API level 21

List of capabilities that this camera device advertises as fully supporting.

A capability is a contract that the camera device makes in order to be able to satisfy one or more use cases.

Listing a capability guarantees that the whole set of features required to support a common use will all be available.

Using a subset of the functionality provided by an unsupported capability may be possible on a specific camera device implementation; to do this query each of android.request.availableRequestKeys, android.request.availableResultKeys, android.request.availableCharacteristicsKeys.

The following capabilities are guaranteed to be available on == FULL devices:


Other capabilities may be available on either FULL or LIMITED devices, but the application should query this key to be sure.

Possible values:

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_PROC

Added in API level 21

The maximum numbers of different types of output streams that can be configured and used simultaneously by a camera device for any processed (but not-stalling) formats.

This value contains the max number of output simultaneous streams for any processed (but not-stalling) formats.

This lists the upper bound of the number of output streams supported by the camera device. Using more streams simultaneously may require more hardware and CPU resources that will consume more power. The image format for this kind of an output stream can be any non-RAW and supported format provided by android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap.

Processed (but not-stalling) is defined as any non-RAW format without a stall duration. Typically:

  • ImageFormat#YUV_420_888
  • ImageFormat#NV21
  • ImageFormat#YV12
  • Implementation-defined formats, i.e. StreamConfiguration#isOutputSupportedFor(Class)

For full guarantees, query StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputStallDuration with a processed format -- it will return 0 for a non-stalling stream.

LEGACY devices will support at least 2 processing/non-stalling streams.

Range of valid values:

>= 3 for FULL mode devices ( == FULL); >= 2 for LIMITED mode devices ( == LIMITED).

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_PROC_STALLING

Added in API level 21

The maximum numbers of different types of output streams that can be configured and used simultaneously by a camera device for any processed (and stalling) formats.

This value contains the max number of output simultaneous streams for any processed (but not-stalling) formats.

This lists the upper bound of the number of output streams supported by the camera device. Using more streams simultaneously may require more hardware and CPU resources that will consume more power. The image format for this kind of an output stream can be any non-RAW and supported format provided by android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap.

A processed and stalling format is defined as any non-RAW format with a stallDurations > 0. Typically only the JPEG format (ImageFormat#JPEG) is a stalling format.

For full guarantees, query StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputStallDuration with a processed format -- it will return a non-0 value for a stalling stream.

LEGACY devices will support up to 1 processing/stalling stream.

Range of valid values:

>= 1

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_RAW

Added in API level 21

The maximum numbers of different types of output streams that can be configured and used simultaneously by a camera device for any RAW formats.

This value contains the max number of output simultaneous streams from the raw sensor.

This lists the upper bound of the number of output streams supported by the camera device. Using more streams simultaneously may require more hardware and CPU resources that will consume more power. The image format for this kind of an output stream can be any RAW and supported format provided by android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap.

In particular, a RAW format is typically one of:

  • ImageFormat#RAW_SENSOR
  • ImageFormat#RAW10
  • Opaque RAW

LEGACY mode devices ( == LEGACY) never support raw streams.

Range of valid values:

>= 0

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> REQUEST_PARTIAL_RESULT_COUNT

Added in API level 21

Defines how many sub-components a result will be composed of.

In order to combat the pipeline latency, partial results may be delivered to the application layer from the camera device as soon as they are available.

Optional; defaults to 1. A value of 1 means that partial results are not supported, and only the final TotalCaptureResult will be produced by the camera device.

A typical use case for this might be: after requesting an auto-focus (AF) lock the new AF state might be available 50% of the way through the pipeline. The camera device could then immediately dispatch this state via a partial result to the application, and the rest of the metadata via later partial results.

Range of valid values:
>= 1

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<Byte> REQUEST_PIPELINE_MAX_DEPTH

Added in API level 21

Specifies the number of maximum pipeline stages a frame has to go through from when it's exposed to when it's available to the framework.

A typical minimum value for this is 2 (one stage to expose, one stage to readout) from the sensor. The ISP then usually adds its own stages to do custom HW processing. Further stages may be added by SW processing.

Depending on what settings are used (e.g. YUV, JPEG) and what processing is enabled (e.g. face detection), the actual pipeline depth (specified by android.request.pipelineDepth) may be less than the max pipeline depth.

A pipeline depth of X stages is equivalent to a pipeline latency of X frame intervals.

This value will be 8 or less.

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Float> SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM

Added in API level 21

The maximum ratio between both active area width and crop region width, and active area height and crop region height, for android.scaler.cropRegion.

This represents the maximum amount of zooming possible by the camera device, or equivalently, the minimum cropping window size.

Crop regions that have a width or height that is smaller than this ratio allows will be rounded up to the minimum allowed size by the camera device.

Units: Zoom scale factor

Range of valid values:

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> SCALER_CROPPING_TYPE

Added in API level 21

The crop type that this camera device supports.

When passing a non-centered crop region (android.scaler.cropRegion) to a camera device that only supports CENTER_ONLY cropping, the camera device will move the crop region to the center of the sensor active array ( and keep the crop region width and height unchanged. The camera device will return the final used crop region in metadata result android.scaler.cropRegion.

Camera devices that support FREEFORM cropping will support any crop region that is inside of the active array. The camera device will apply the same crop region and return the final used crop region in capture result metadata android.scaler.cropRegion.

FULL capability devices ( == FULL) will support FREEFORM cropping. LEGACY capability devices will only support CENTER_ONLY cropping.

Possible values:

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<StreamConfigurationMap> SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP

Added in API level 21

The available stream configurations that this camera device supports; also includes the minimum frame durations and the stall durations for each format/size combination.

All camera devices will support sensor maximum resolution (defined by for the JPEG format.

For a given use case, the actual maximum supported resolution may be lower than what is listed here, depending on the destination Surface for the image data. For example, for recording video, the video encoder chosen may have a maximum size limit (e.g. 1080p) smaller than what the camera (e.g. maximum resolution is 3264x2448) can provide.

Please reference the documentation for the image data destination to check if it limits the maximum size for image data.

The following table describes the minimum required output stream configurations based on the hardware level (

Format Size Hardware Level Notes
JPEG 1920x1080 (1080p) Any if 1080p <= activeArraySize
JPEG 1280x720 (720) Any if 720p <= activeArraySize
JPEG 640x480 (480p) Any if 480p <= activeArraySize
JPEG 320x240 (240p) Any if 240p <= activeArraySize
YUV_420_888 all output sizes available for JPEG FULL
YUV_420_888 all output sizes available for JPEG, up to the maximum video size LIMITED

Refer to android.request.availableCapabilities for additional mandatory stream configurations on a per-capability basis.

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> SENSOR_AVAILABLE_TEST_PATTERN_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of sensor test pattern modes for android.sensor.testPatternMode supported by this camera device.

Defaults to OFF, and always includes OFF if defined.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.sensor.testPatternMode

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<BlackLevelPattern> SENSOR_BLACK_LEVEL_PATTERN

Added in API level 21

A fixed black level offset for each of the color filter arrangement (CFA) mosaic channels.

This key specifies the zero light value for each of the CFA mosaic channels in the camera sensor. The maximal value output by the sensor is represented by the value in

The values are given in the same order as channels listed for the CFA layout key (see, i.e. the nth value given corresponds to the black level offset for the nth color channel listed in the CFA.

Range of valid values:
>= 0 for each.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_CALIBRATION_TRANSFORM1

Added in API level 21

A per-device calibration transform matrix that maps from the reference sensor colorspace to the actual device sensor colorspace.

This matrix is used to correct for per-device variations in the sensor colorspace, and is used for processing raw buffer data.

The matrix is expressed as a 3x3 matrix in row-major-order, and contains a per-device calibration transform that maps colors from reference sensor color space (i.e. the "golden module" colorspace) into this camera device's native sensor color space under the first reference illuminant (android.sensor.referenceIlluminant1).

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_CALIBRATION_TRANSFORM2

Added in API level 21

A per-device calibration transform matrix that maps from the reference sensor colorspace to the actual device sensor colorspace (this is the colorspace of the raw buffer data).

This matrix is used to correct for per-device variations in the sensor colorspace, and is used for processing raw buffer data.

The matrix is expressed as a 3x3 matrix in row-major-order, and contains a per-device calibration transform that maps colors from reference sensor color space (i.e. the "golden module" colorspace) into this camera device's native sensor color space under the second reference illuminant (android.sensor.referenceIlluminant2).

This matrix will only be present if the second reference illuminant is present.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_COLOR_TRANSFORM1

Added in API level 21

A matrix that transforms color values from CIE XYZ color space to reference sensor color space.

This matrix is used to convert from the standard CIE XYZ color space to the reference sensor colorspace, and is used when processing raw buffer data.

The matrix is expressed as a 3x3 matrix in row-major-order, and contains a color transform matrix that maps colors from the CIE XYZ color space to the reference sensor color space (i.e. the "golden module" colorspace) under the first reference illuminant (android.sensor.referenceIlluminant1).

The white points chosen in both the reference sensor color space and the CIE XYZ colorspace when calculating this transform will match the standard white point for the first reference illuminant (i.e. no chromatic adaptation will be applied by this transform).

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_COLOR_TRANSFORM2

Added in API level 21

A matrix that transforms color values from CIE XYZ color space to reference sensor color space.

This matrix is used to convert from the standard CIE XYZ color space to the reference sensor colorspace, and is used when processing raw buffer data.

The matrix is expressed as a 3x3 matrix in row-major-order, and contains a color transform matrix that maps colors from the CIE XYZ color space to the reference sensor color space (i.e. the "golden module" colorspace) under the second reference illuminant (android.sensor.referenceIlluminant2).

The white points chosen in both the reference sensor color space and the CIE XYZ colorspace when calculating this transform will match the standard white point for the second reference illuminant (i.e. no chromatic adaptation will be applied by this transform).

This matrix will only be present if the second reference illuminant is present.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_FORWARD_MATRIX1

Added in API level 21

A matrix that transforms white balanced camera colors from the reference sensor colorspace to the CIE XYZ colorspace with a D50 whitepoint.

This matrix is used to convert to the standard CIE XYZ colorspace, and is used when processing raw buffer data.

This matrix is expressed as a 3x3 matrix in row-major-order, and contains a color transform matrix that maps white balanced colors from the reference sensor color space to the CIE XYZ color space with a D50 white point.

Under the first reference illuminant (android.sensor.referenceIlluminant1) this matrix is chosen so that the standard white point for this reference illuminant in the reference sensor colorspace is mapped to D50 in the CIE XYZ colorspace.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<ColorSpaceTransform> SENSOR_FORWARD_MATRIX2

Added in API level 21

A matrix that transforms white balanced camera colors from the reference sensor colorspace to the CIE XYZ colorspace with a D50 whitepoint.

This matrix is used to convert to the standard CIE XYZ colorspace, and is used when processing raw buffer data.

This matrix is expressed as a 3x3 matrix in row-major-order, and contains a color transform matrix that maps white balanced colors from the reference sensor color space to the CIE XYZ color space with a D50 white point.

Under the second reference illuminant (android.sensor.referenceIlluminant2) this matrix is chosen so that the standard white point for this reference illuminant in the reference sensor colorspace is mapped to D50 in the CIE XYZ colorspace.

This matrix will only be present if the second reference illuminant is present.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<Rect> SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE

Added in API level 21

The area of the image sensor which corresponds to active pixels.

This is the region of the sensor that actually receives light from the scene. Therefore, the size of this region determines the maximum field of view and the maximum number of pixels that an image from this sensor can contain.

The rectangle is defined in terms of the full pixel array; (0,0) is the top-left of the full pixel array, and the size of the full pixel array is given by

Most other keys listing pixel coordinates have their coordinate systems based on the active array, with (0, 0) being the top-left of the active array rectangle.

The active array may be smaller than the full pixel array, since the full array may include black calibration pixels or other inactive regions.

Units: Pixel coordinates on the image sensor

Range of valid values:

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_INFO_COLOR_FILTER_ARRANGEMENT

Added in API level 21

The arrangement of color filters on sensor; represents the colors in the top-left 2x2 section of the sensor, in reading order.

Possible values:

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<Range<Long>> SENSOR_INFO_EXPOSURE_TIME_RANGE

Added in API level 21

The range of image exposure times for android.sensor.exposureTime supported by this camera device.

Units: Nanoseconds

Range of valid values:
The minimum exposure time will be less than 100 us. For FULL capability devices ( == FULL), the maximum exposure time will be greater than 100ms.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<Long> SENSOR_INFO_MAX_FRAME_DURATION

Added in API level 21

The maximum possible frame duration (minimum frame rate) for android.sensor.frameDuration that is supported this camera device.

Attempting to use frame durations beyond the maximum will result in the frame duration being clipped to the maximum. See that control for a full definition of frame durations.

Refer to StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputMinFrameDuration(int,Size) for the minimum frame duration values.

Units: Nanoseconds

Range of valid values:
For FULL capability devices ( == FULL), at least 100ms.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<SizeF> SENSOR_INFO_PHYSICAL_SIZE

Added in API level 21

The physical dimensions of the full pixel array.

This is the physical size of the sensor pixel array defined by

Units: Millimeters

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Size> SENSOR_INFO_PIXEL_ARRAY_SIZE

Added in API level 21

Dimensions of the full pixel array, possibly including black calibration pixels.

The pixel count of the full pixel array, which covers area.

If a camera device supports raw sensor formats, either this or is the maximum output raw size listed in android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap. If a size corresponding to pixelArraySize is listed, the resulting raw sensor image will include black pixels.

Some parts of the full pixel array may not receive light from the scene, or are otherwise inactive. The key defines the rectangle of active pixels that actually forms an image.

Units: Pixels

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Range<Integer>> SENSOR_INFO_SENSITIVITY_RANGE

Added in API level 21

Range of sensitivities for android.sensor.sensitivity supported by this camera device.

The values are the standard ISO sensitivity values, as defined in ISO 12232:2006.

Range of valid values:
Min <= 100, Max >= 800

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_INFO_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE

Added in API level 21

The time base source for sensor capture start timestamps.

The timestamps provided for captures are always in nanoseconds and monotonic, but may not based on a time source that can be compared to other system time sources.

This characteristic defines the source for the timestamps, and therefore whether they can be compared against other system time sources/timestamps.

Possible values:

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_INFO_WHITE_LEVEL

Added in API level 21

Maximum raw value output by sensor.

This specifies the fully-saturated encoding level for the raw sample values from the sensor. This is typically caused by the sensor becoming highly non-linear or clipping. The minimum for each channel is specified by the offset in the android.sensor.blackLevelPattern key.

The white level is typically determined either by sensor bit depth (8-14 bits is expected), or by the point where the sensor response becomes too non-linear to be useful. The default value for this is maximum representable value for a 16-bit raw sample (2^16 - 1).

Range of valid values:
> 255 (8-bit output)

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_MAX_ANALOG_SENSITIVITY

Added in API level 21

Maximum sensitivity that is implemented purely through analog gain.

For android.sensor.sensitivity values less than or equal to this, all applied gain must be analog. For values above this, the gain applied can be a mix of analog and digital.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_ORIENTATION

Added in API level 21

Clockwise angle through which the output image needs to be rotated to be upright on the device screen in its native orientation.

Also defines the direction of rolling shutter readout, which is from top to bottom in the sensor's coordinate system.

Units: Degrees of clockwise rotation; always a multiple of 90

Range of valid values:
0, 90, 180, 270

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> SENSOR_REFERENCE_ILLUMINANT1

Added in API level 21

The standard reference illuminant used as the scene light source when calculating the android.sensor.colorTransform1, android.sensor.calibrationTransform1, and android.sensor.forwardMatrix1 matrices.

The values in this key correspond to the values defined for the EXIF LightSource tag. These illuminants are standard light sources that are often used calibrating camera devices.

If this key is present, then android.sensor.colorTransform1, android.sensor.calibrationTransform1, and android.sensor.forwardMatrix1 will also be present.

Some devices may choose to provide a second set of calibration information for improved quality, including android.sensor.referenceIlluminant2 and its corresponding matrices.

Possible values:

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<Byte> SENSOR_REFERENCE_ILLUMINANT2

Added in API level 21

The standard reference illuminant used as the scene light source when calculating the android.sensor.colorTransform2, android.sensor.calibrationTransform2, and android.sensor.forwardMatrix2 matrices.

See android.sensor.referenceIlluminant1 for more details.

If this key is present, then android.sensor.colorTransform2, android.sensor.calibrationTransform2, and android.sensor.forwardMatrix2 will also be present.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.sensor.referenceIlluminant1

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.


Added in API level 21

List of face detection modes for android.statistics.faceDetectMode that are supported by this camera device.

OFF is always supported.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.statistics.faceDetectMode

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<boolean[]> STATISTICS_INFO_AVAILABLE_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of hot pixel map output modes for android.statistics.hotPixelMapMode that are supported by this camera device.

If no hotpixel map output is available for this camera device, this will contain only false.

ON is always supported on devices with the RAW capability.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.statistics.hotPixelMapMode

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

public static final Key<Integer> STATISTICS_INFO_MAX_FACE_COUNT

Added in API level 21

The maximum number of simultaneously detectable faces.

Range of valid values:
0 for cameras without available face detection; otherwise: >=4 for LIMITED or FULL hwlevel devices or >0 for LEGACY devices.

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<Integer> SYNC_MAX_LATENCY

Added in API level 21

The maximum number of frames that can occur after a request (different than the previous) has been submitted, and before the result's state becomes synchronized (by setting android.sync.frameNumber to a non-negative value).

This defines the maximum distance (in number of metadata results), between android.sync.frameNumber and the equivalent frame number for that result.

In other words this acts as an upper boundary for how many frames must occur before the camera device knows for a fact that the new submitted camera settings have been applied in outgoing frames.

For example if the distance was 2,

initial request = X (repeating)
 request1 = X
 request2 = Y
 request3 = Y
 request4 = Y

 where requestN has frameNumber N, and the first of the repeating
 initial request's has frameNumber F (and F < 1).

 initial result = X' + { android.sync.frameNumber == F }
 result1 = X' + { android.sync.frameNumber == F }
 result2 = X' + { android.sync.frameNumber == CONVERGING }
 result3 = X' + { android.sync.frameNumber == CONVERGING }
 result4 = X' + { android.sync.frameNumber == 2 }

 where resultN has frameNumber N.

Since result4 has a frameNumber == 4 and android.sync.frameNumber == 2, the distance is clearly 4 - 2 = 2.

Units: Frame counts

Possible values:

Available values for this device:
A positive value, PER_FRAME_CONTROL, or UNKNOWN.

This key is available on all devices.

public static final Key<int[]> TONEMAP_AVAILABLE_TONE_MAP_MODES

Added in API level 21

List of tonemapping modes for android.tonemap.mode that are supported by this camera device.

Camera devices that support the MANUAL_POST_PROCESSING capability will always list CONTRAST_CURVE and FAST. This includes all FULL level devices.

Range of valid values:
Any value listed in android.tonemap.mode

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

public static final Key<Integer> TONEMAP_MAX_CURVE_POINTS

Added in API level 21

Maximum number of supported points in the tonemap curve that can be used for android.tonemap.curve.

If the actual number of points provided by the application (in android.tonemap.curve*) is less than this maximum, the camera device will resample the curve to its internal representation, using linear interpolation.

The output curves in the result metadata may have a different number of points than the input curves, and will represent the actual hardware curves used as closely as possible when linearly interpolated.

Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the key

Public Methods

public T get (Key<T> key)

Added in API level 21

Get a camera characteristics field value.

The field definitions can be found in CameraCharacteristics.

Querying the value for the same key more than once will return a value which is equal to the previous queried value.

key The characteristics field to read.
  • The value of that key, or null if the field is not set.
IllegalArgumentException if the key was not valid

public List<Key<?>> getAvailableCaptureRequestKeys ()

Added in API level 21

Returns the list of keys supported by this CameraDevice for querying with a CaptureRequest.

The list returned is not modifiable, so any attempts to modify it will throw a UnsupportedOperationException.

Each key is only listed once in the list. The order of the keys is undefined.

Note that there is no getAvailableCameraCharacteristicsKeys() -- use getKeys() instead.

  • List of keys supported by this CameraDevice for CaptureRequests.

public List<Key<?>> getAvailableCaptureResultKeys ()

Added in API level 21

Returns the list of keys supported by this CameraDevice for querying with a CaptureResult.

The list returned is not modifiable, so any attempts to modify it will throw a UnsupportedOperationException.

Each key is only listed once in the list. The order of the keys is undefined.

Note that there is no getAvailableCameraCharacteristicsKeys() -- use getKeys() instead.

  • List of keys supported by this CameraDevice for CaptureResults.

public List<Key<?>> getKeys ()

Added in API level 21

Returns a list of the keys contained in this map.

The list returned is not modifiable, so any attempts to modify it will throw a UnsupportedOperationException.

All values retrieved by a key from this list with #get are guaranteed to be non-null. Each key is only listed once in the list. The order of the keys is undefined.

  • List of the keys contained in this map.