Android APIs
public static class


extends Object
   ↳ android.os.Build.VERSION

Class Overview

Various version strings.


public static final String CODENAME The current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build.
public static final String INCREMENTAL The internal value used by the underlying source control to represent this build.
public static final String RELEASE The user-visible version string.
public static final String SDK This field was deprecated in API level 4. Use SDK_INT to easily get this as an integer.
public static final int SDK_INT The user-visible SDK version of the framework; its possible values are defined in Build.VERSION_CODES.
Public Constructors
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String CODENAME

Added in API level 4

The current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build.

public static final String INCREMENTAL

Added in API level 1

The internal value used by the underlying source control to represent this build. E.g., a perforce changelist number or a git hash.

public static final String RELEASE

Added in API level 1

The user-visible version string. E.g., "1.0" or "3.4b5".

public static final String SDK

Added in API level 1

This field was deprecated in API level 4.
Use SDK_INT to easily get this as an integer.

The user-visible SDK version of the framework in its raw String representation; use SDK_INT instead.

public static final int SDK_INT

Added in API level 4

The user-visible SDK version of the framework; its possible values are defined in Build.VERSION_CODES.

Public Constructors

public Build.VERSION ()

Added in API level 1